Unless you use E2B+DPMS, an unmodified, original Microsoft XP SP3 ISO will only be able to install to an IDE drive in the target system because Microsoft XP Install ISOs only support IDE-based systems. Use USB 2 ports whenever possible – if your system only has USB 3 ports and you have a USB 3 E2B drive, try connecting the USB drive to the target system using a USB 2 extension cable to force it to use USB 2.You must use the E2B+DPMS version of Easy2Boot (which includes disk drivers which are needed for installing XP 32-bit ISOs to SATA/RAID/SCSI disks).

XP 64 has very few drivers and it is never used! XP 32-bit will use up to 4GB of memory and will work fine.

WInPE ISOs (WinBuilder, Medicat, Gandalf, etc.).WinPE multi-function (Hirens\DLC\Strelec) ISOs.Installing Linux from an ISO file onto a system.MBR-boot from a Debian\Kali ISO with persistence.Ubuntu-based ISO + persistence (.isopersist).Update the XP 32-bit Mass Storage drivers.PassPass (bypass Windows local password).SDI_Choco – Installing Offline Chocolatey Packages.Installing Windows XP\7\8\10 using WinNTSetup.Install Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2.UEFI – Adding Windows 7/8/10 which have >4GB Install.wim/Install.esd files.